Monday, January 14, 2008

Sunshine state to Savanna, GA

So I got to FL in an uneventful fashion, dropped my load at Wal-Mart D.C. in Alachua and waited for my next assignment. It wasn't long before QComm was beeping. The load was picking up in nearby Savanna, GA (where we are moving in the spring) and going to Clarksville, MS. I was excited that I was still remaining in the South. I drove to Savanna and stopped for the night after picking up the load at the port of GA. I was out of hours so I decided to stop at exit 109 in Savanna (9 miles or so from the old downtown historic area of the city). I had recently decided that I need exercise so that I would not resemble one of these massively obese truck drivers. The formula is all there and obvious: massive amounts of food, coupled with no exercise, smoking (50% of drivers smoke) etc. I decided I would get parked and then walk the 9 miles into Savannah. I did that and got into a restaurant and bar at about 7pm. Savanna is a beautiful city. It has been preserved very nicely and reminds me of a smaller New Orleans. The city is dominated by little parks or "squares" all over the place. The trees are all covered with hanging Spanish moss and the city has a "haunted" feel to it. The main thing drawing young people to the city is SCAD (Savanna College of Art & Design), one of the best art schools in the country.